


As a New Orleans musician and educator, I have worked very hard to build my lessons business which started out as guitar lessons with and has expanded into banjo and ukulele lessons, as well. It has not only changed my life and career for the better, but it has also improved the lives of my community and many worldwide (due to webcam lessons).

My students have found me through word of mouth and the internet. They’ve recommended their friends to me by pointing them to my website business, written testimonials, and it's even been a great way to sell my recommended books and gear online. I now give lessons to a variety of students.
I also teach overseas via WebCam lessons. That wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t have my website.

Students have been filling up. I had to hire on more teachers to take students I couldn’t. I’ve started NEWORLEANSDRUMLESSONS.COM and NEWORLEANSACTINGLESSONS.COM to diversify. But, I always do the best I can to fit students in.

I want to say thank you to my students for growing as musicians, and for persevering to become advancing musicians. I've received many tips over the years for teaching my lessons and I am so thankful. I know that I am making a difference in my students' lives for the better and receiving gifts and or tips has just been icing on the cake. Recently, I've received a great gift as a thank you for teaching guitar from one of my students that I've been meeting with twice a week for lessons, and it humbled me while at the same time made me very proud to do what I do - teach music lessons. He gave me a guitar like the pic below. I am very grateful for every single one of my students and am very proud of them.

I am living my dream of teaching and enriching my students' lives through music. Now it's time to expand the business and build a place where lessons can be taught and concerts performed. Come take a lesson with me!

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